Thursday, April 10, 2008

I just finished checking out the website of David Burnett.  If you don't know, Burnett is probably one of the greatest photographers to walk on American soil.  While looking through his body of work I began to realize the impact his work has had on me.  Burnett spent many months photographing the Vietnam War and along with several other photographers (including Colorado Springs photographer Dave Black) helped create a book of images having to do with Arlington National Cemetery.  The book is stunning if you've never seen it.  I suggest going online and tracking it down.  Burnett inspired me to take a look at some of the images I've taken surrounding the war in Iraq and Ft. Carson here in Colorado Springs.  I came across a photo shoot I had back in October 2007 when soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team returned home after a tour in Iraq.  The unit came back bloodied but still standing.  I get emotional when I see these images.  I'm sure Burnett does the same when he looks at his body of work.  War is tough to look at home and abroad.  In the future I will continue to post images I've photographed related to the war in Iraq.

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